
环球新动态:Highlights of Beijing Municipal Government Work Report (2023)

  • 来源:昌平外事
  • 时间:2023-01-22 03:01:17

The FirstSession of the SixteenthBeijing Municipal People’s Congresswasheld at the Beijing Conference Center onthemorningof January 15th. On behalf of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, Acting Mayor Yin Yong delivered a report on the work of the government. The report gives a comprehensive reviewofBeijing’s historic transformation over the past five years, outlines the visionfor the next five years, sets outtherequirements for the government’s work and main targets for economic and social development in 2023, and lists 12 primary tasks for this year. The following are the highlights of the report.

ReportontheWorkof theGovernment

Review of Work in the Past Five Years


Beijing has seen a historic transformation as the capital


We have kept to the strategic positioning of Beijing as the national capital, and embraced historic changes in the city’s development.

● The capital’s planning system has been improved.

●The supply of land for urban and rural construction has been cut by 120 square kilometers.


We have relocated functions non-essential to the role of Beijing as the capital, and secured solid progress in coordinating the development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

●A total of 240 million square meters of illegal structures were demolished.

●The first group of municipal-level government bodies have moved into the Beijing Municipal Administrative Center (BMC).

●Beijing-Xiong’an Intercity Railway has been completed, and Beijing Daxing International Airport is fully operational.

●The Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Railway, Beijing-Shenyang High-Speed Railway, and Beijing-Tangshan Intercity Railway are in service.


We have advanced the capital’s innovation-driven and high-quality development.

●The city’s R&D intensity has been maintained at around 6%.

●The number of patents granted has increased by around 13% annually.

●We have fostered two “trillion-yuan industrial clusters” focusing on the new generation of information technology and scientific and technological services respectively.

●Beijing ranks first among Chinese cities in the number of national high-tech enterprises, “little giants” and unicorn companies.

●The added value of the digital economy now accounts for around 42% of Beijing’s Gross Regional Product (GRP).

●Over the past five years, Beijing’s GRP has surpassed three and then four trillion yuan.

●The city’s per capita GRP exceeds 180,000 yuan, the highest among all Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and provincial-level cities.


We have deepened reform and opening-up through building the “two zones”, and injected fresh dynamism and vitality into the capital’s development.

●Around 200 groundbreaking policy measures for opening-up--the first of their kind in China--have been formulated.

●The Beijing Stock Exchange was established and began trading.

●Thanks to the reform to improve business environment, 60% items, 74% documents, and 248 certifications have been cut and the processing time has been reduced by 71%.

●Over 98% of municipal and district level government services can be accessed online.

●In the past five years, we have relieved businesses of 530 billion yuan of financial burden through tax and fee exemptions, cuts, refunds and deferrals, and more than 200 billion yuan in 2022 alone.

●Over the past five years, the total paid-in foreign investment in Beijing has exceeded 75 billion US dollars.


We have boosted agricultural and rural development, and achieved greater balancebetween urban and rural areas and among different parts of the city.

●All low-income rural households in Beijing have been lifted out ofthe low-income category, and the number of low-income villages has been cut to zero.

●Wehave overfulfilled the task of maintaining a farming area of no less than 1.66million mu(110,667hectares).

●We have extended sewage collection and treatment to over 1,500villages.

●We have helped 73partner banners and counties, and a population of 2,006,000who live there, out of poverty.


We have continued to address issues associated with Beijingas a megacity, and made the city more harmonious and livable.

●Energy consumption and CO2emissions per 10,000 yuan of GRP remain the lowest among provincial-level jurisdictions in China.

●The annual average concentration of fine particulate matters (PM2.5) has dropped to 30μg/m3, down 48.3%since 2017.

●The city’s sewage disposal rate has risen from 92.4%to 97%.The volume of water in the Miyun Reservoir has reached an all-time high.

●Forest coverage has reached 44.8%.

●With another16subway lines(sections) coming into service, nearly 200kilometers of mileage has been added, extendingthe total networkto 797kilometers.

●With the opening of the Huairou-Miyun Line and others,the suburban railway mileage has increased by 183kilometers.

●The difficulty in obtaining property ownership certificates due to legacy issues has been resolved for 342,000units of housing.


We have adopted a people-centered development philosophy, and raised the quality of life in all aspects.

●We have delivered 157 practical services of importance in people’s daily life.

●A total of 1,475,000 urban jobs have been added, and residents’ per capita disposable income has reached 77,000 yuan.

●We have implemented the pre-school education action plan and raised the coverage of affordable kindergartens to 88%.

●We have added another 180,000 places at primary and middle schools.

●The number of brick-and-mortar bookstores in Beijing tops the country.

●A total of 1,424 community-based eldercare service stations have been established.

●We have delivered 540,000 units of government-subsidized housing of various types.

●More than 5,100 households have applied to sign agreements to vacate their rented single-story residential courtyards in the core zone, and more than 5,900 of such dwellings have been renovated.

●The retrofitting and upgrading of 981 run-down residential compounds has benefited nearly 500,000 households.


We have advanced full and rigorousself-governance over the Party and made progress in strengthening the governance capacity.

●We have cut general expenditure by 7.66 billion yuan.

●We have reduced spending on official overseas visits, vehicles and hospitality by 42.9%.

We have put people and their lives first and prevailed over multiple waves of Covid-19 infections. Measures are adjusted in light of the evolving situation of Covid. Beijing has entered a new phase of Covid-19 containment.

We offered to the world a streamlined, safe and splendid Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Beijing is the first and the only city that has hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics.

A Review of 2022

The GRP for 2022 is expected to register positive growth.

The general public budget revenue increased by 2.6% after deducting VAT credit refunds.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI)rose by 1.8%.

The officialurban unemployment rate is estimated to be within 5%.

The per capita disposable income of residentssaw steady growth.

Break new ground for the development of Beijing as the capital of the nation in the new era

Our development goals for the next five years are as follows:

Further strengthen Beijing’s strategic role as the “four centers”;

Make new headway in building Beijing into a world-class cosmopolis that is harmonious and livable;

Steadily advance Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development;

Further increase Beijing’s overall strength and competitiveness;

Improve Beijing’s overall living environment;

Make new progress toward common prosperity;

Lay a solid foundation for Beijing to lead the country in basically achieving socialist modernization.

The main targets for economic and social development in2023 are set as follows:

GRP growth rate above 4.5%;

Increase in general public budget revenue of around 4%;

Surveyed urban unemployment rate below 5%;

CPI increase of around 3%;

Personal income growth basically in step with economic growth;

Meeting national targets in eco-environmental protection and energy and water conservation.

To meet these targets, we will focus on the following 12 tasks.


We will highlight the guiding role of the city’s development plan in our effort to improve the city’s functions as the national capital.

●Further implement the Master Plan of Development for Beijing (2016-2035);

●Improve the service functions of the core zone;

●Strengthen the role of Beijing as the center for international exchanges.


We will promote the relocation of functions non-essential to Beijing’s role as the capital and push for more coordinated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei development.

●Upgrade the city through function transfer and remediation in a resolute and orderly manner;

●Promote high-quality development of the BMC;

●Boost the development of key localities;

●Make coordinated progress in key areas.


We will step up efforts to grow into an international innovation center by building a strong educational system, greater scientific and technological strengths, and a quality workforce.

●Develop education that meets the people’s expectations;

●Strive to become a global science center and a pacesetter in innovation;

●Build world-leading science parks;

●Become a talent magnet.


We will expand domestic demand and facilitate all-round economic recovery and high-quality development.

●Give priority to restoring and expanding consumption;

●Leverage the key role of investment in improving the supply structure;

●Further strengthen high-end, precision and cutting-edge technology sectors;

●Build Beijing into a global pacesetter in the digital economy.


We will drive deeper all-round reform and opening-up to boost market confidence.

●Develop the “two zones”, the CIFTIS, the ZGC Forum, and the Financial Street Forum to high standards;

●Create a more enabling business environment with greater efforts;

●Instill greater vitality in businesses of all kinds.


We will make solid progress in building Beijing into the national cultural center, and enhance Beijing’s cultural appeal as the capital city of a great nation.

●Practice the core socialist values;

●Keep alive Beijing’s historical and cultural heritage;

●Develop the capital’s cultural programs.


We will take effective measures to integrate urban-rural development and strive for all-round progress in rural revitalization.

● Move faster toward agricultural modernization;

●Build a beautiful and harmonious countryside where people want to live and work;

●Stimulate rural development through reform.


We will continue meticulous efforts to modernize the governance of Beijing.

●Further advance urban renewal;

●Ensure comprehensive management of the city’s transport system;

●Advance precision governance of Beijing;

●Move faster to build Beijing into a smart city.


We will pursue green and low-carbon development to steadily improve the eco-environment.

●Make strenuous efforts to prevent and control pollution;

●Make steady progress toward carbon neutrality on top of carbon peak;

●Build Beijing into a city of parks.


We will improve people’s wellbeing through better social services in seven aspects and meeting public expectations for a better life in five areas.

●Boost the incomes of both urban and rural residents;

●Improve the social security system;

●Ensure effective epidemic control in the new phase of Covid response;

●Leverage our distinctive strength as the “Summer and Winter Olympic City”.


We will ensure both development and security and maintain harmony and stability of the capital.

●Make Beijing a more resilient city;

●Strengthen workplace safety risk controls;

●Ensure higher level security in Beijing.


We will ensure the decisions and the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress are well understood and implemented as we work consistently to improve the government’s own capabilities.

● Strengthen political commitment;

●Remain committed to law-based governance;

●Improve government performance;

●Improve our work conduct.




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